NG Connector
Connect Noisy Goose to Flight Simulators
Noisy Goose supports the ability to simulate position data and other flight simulator related data in the application. '
'It does so by streaming data from a flight simulator to the application over a network connection when the application is running.
This data streaming is achieved by a small application running on the flight simulator computer called the NGConnector.
Noisy Goose supports the following simulators:
Noisy Goose supports the following simulators:
- Flight Simulator X (Including Steam Edition)
- P3D
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
- the iOS device and the computer running flight simulator must be on the same network and subnet when the NGConnector application is running in boardcast mode. When running in IP Direct mode, the iOS device and the computer must be able to communicate over a standard TCP/IP network (ie: no firewalls blocking communication. ). Note, the port used to send data is 49002.
- NGConnector application must be running
Installation Instructions
As stated previously, the flight simulator integration is achieved by installing a small component onto the computer running the flight simulator, called NGConnector.
First, Download the NGConnector Installed
First, Download the NGConnector Installed
1. Run the Installer

2. Click Next

4. Click Finish